If you are in the market for a short-term loan for your small business, there are a few things that you need to consider prior to simply jumping the gun and taking out the loan. Here are four of them: Make Sure You Know What the APR Is When you take out a loan, there is an annual percentage rate, also known as APR. This is the interest rate that you will paying.
When you are ready to increase your real estate holdings, it's important to be prepared. While it may not make financial sense immediately to hire a property management company, when you own more than one property, this type of service becomes essential. Unless you are going to make property ownership and the management of your properties your full time job, hiring a company that will screen tenants, collect rent, and keep track of maintenance allows you to own more property than you could without one.
A few years ago, I found myself in a tough spot. I was completely out of money, and my expenses kept piling up. I knew that if I didn't turn things around, I would be declaring bankruptcy for my business. To ward off financial disaster, I decided to invest a little time into learning how to budget. I made a few simple changes, including eating out less, paying attention to fines and fees, and avoiding excessive shopping trips. You wouldn't believe how quickly things changed. This blog is designed to teach beginners how to shape their financial future, so that you don't have to worry.